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Spanish Language Education Through Culture

Promoting literacy, family, and community connections en español. That is our mission.

18.8 million

U.S. children under 18 are of Latino origin, most are bilingual

32 million

Spanish speakers are spread across the European Union and the UK

About YoSoy

Spanish plays a vital role in our family and community life, forging emotional bonds and cultural connections across generations.

Living away from their countries of origin, Spanish-speaking families seek resources and materials to connect their children with their cultural and linguistic heritage, strengthening their sense of identity and belonging.
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Why Choose YoSoy

YoSoy is a unique and innovative interdisciplinary program, based on research, founded by a passionate team of educators and parents. Its goal is to empower the identities of young Spanish and bilingual children while nurturing family and community connections.

The name "YoSoy" (which means "I am") is a palindrome, reflecting the idea that "between here and there, children can confidently declare, 'YoSoy who I want to be.'"

Together, We’ve Created An Enrichment Program That Provides Students With Opportunities To Nurture Their Bilingual Identity

Our curriculum is the result of a collaborative effort based on an interdisciplinary pedagogy developed by Dr. María Luisa Parra (Harvard University), who has over 10 years of experience teaching Spanish to Latino children and youth in the U.S. and expertise in advocating for cultural identity development, protection, and socioemotional well-being through language use; Marcela Fritzler (Sin Fronteras), dedicated to teaching Spanish in the context of Europe and Asia, is the author of LE/L2 and LH materials; and Gabriel Badillo (Hola Combo), who, through his animation work, understands that images have cultural significance and serve as an intrinsic part of any educational project.
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Materials for the Meaningful Use of Language 

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Resources for Educators and Teachers

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Strategies for Family Engagement

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Our First Project: YoSoy

A series of legends and folktales from Spanish-speaking countries.

A source of traditions, historical knowledge, and customs from each community and country. Listen attentively to the voice of a family, passed down through generations (oral tradition).

Our learning materials include:

Multifaceted learning materials that adapt to various learning styles, ensuring that every child has access to engaging resources that support their journey in learning Spanish.
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Printed and Digital Books
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Downloadable Supplements
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Audio Narration of Legends and Songs
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Guides for Families and Schools
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Individual and Group Coaching
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Professional Development for Teachers
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Legend Series

Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano says that legends are sources of knowledge that preserve and narrate fundamental stories of our Latin American peoples, which would otherwise be lost.

Our first series, "Legends," takes readers to: The Legend of the Coquí (Puerto Rico), The Legend of the Volcanoes (Mexico), and The Legend of the Quetzal (Guatemala).

Our upcoming volumes will include legends from the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Peru, and much more...

Contact Us

Hello! Get in touch with us to learn more about our enrichment programs and resources and how to best utilize these materials with the whole family.

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Join YoSoy's community of language learners and educators! Subscribe to our mailing list for regular updates on our programs, resources, events, and tips for fostering literacy en español, en casa.

Upcoming Events

  • Metas y estrategias para el plurilingüismo en el hogar y la escuela.
    Metas y estrategias para el plurilingüismo en el hogar y la escuela.
    Sat, Feb 01
    Feb 01, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
    Feb 01, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
    Taller para familias bilingües y para profesores de español de niñas y niños de español como lengua heredada organizado en el marco del proyecto Yosoy, enseñar y aprender español a través de la cultura.
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